Assignment 4: Web Tools

The Web Tools assignment was informative.  I found the rubric very easy to create with RubiStar.  The site was very easy to navigate and the templates were well designed and extremely easy to modify.  I can see how this site will make life easier for me as a teacher.

The Easy Test Maker website was just that, EASY!  I have created tests in Microsoft Word in the past and that was a tedious task to say the least.  The Easy Test Maker website has a free version but for a nominal fee you can upgrade to a plus user and have access to formatting and more options for saving tests and copying tests.  You can also organize your tests in folders to help keep them organized.

The TRACKSTAR website was a bit tricky.  The first 3 or 4 times I visited the site it did not load and I got errors.  Eventually, the site did start working and I found the site pretty easy to use.  After registering for access to the site, I filled in a few boxes to identify my Track so others would know what type of information they would find there.  Adding sites was extremely easy.  I can see how this could be useful in my class.  I could create a track that had all the sites they would need to visit and this could save class time that students would normally use searching for useful sites.


Here is the link to my Rubric: IT Fundamental Rubric.

Here is the test I created: Arthurtest.

Here is the answer key for the test: Arthuranswerkey.

Check out my TRACK here: George’s TRACK.

Published on July 6, 2011 at 2:40 pm  Leave a Comment  

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